Bacterial vaginosis is essentially bacterial infection of the vagina. The exact cause of bacterial vaginosis remains to be answered, but certain risk factors have been identified, including:
* Cigarette smoking
* Having multiple or new sex partners
* Having a female sex partner
* Use of intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control
* Stress
* Vaginal douching
Naturally, there are thousands of different species of microorganisms living in the vagina area. They are known as the vaginal flora. The majority of the bacteria in a healthy vagina are the ‘good’ ones, lactobacilli. Certainly, there are also a small number of not so friendly bacteria residing there as well. The good bacteria keep the bad bacteria in control and out of trouble, as long as the vaginal flora balance is maintained.
In bacterial vaginosis, however, the balance of the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria living in the vaginal area is disrupted due to certain risk factors, including those mentioned above. The bad bacteria grow excessively and outnumber the good ones. This is when problems start to arise and you’ll get the signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.