Using natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis

To successfully cure bacterial vaginosis can be a challenge to many women, as many suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis which antibiotic treatment doesn’t seem to stop it from coming back.

To make things worse, long-term use of antibiotic treatment can lead to many side effects; not only it causes diarrhoea (a common side effect of antibiotics), it doesn’t encourage the good bacteria to flourish either. Remember, antibiotic kills ALL bacteria, good or bad. And when you have bacterial vaginosis, you want to promote the growth of good bacteria to restore the balance of your vaginal flora.

If you are suffering from repeated episodes of bacterial vaginosis, perhaps it’s time to look into the possibility of using natural bacterial vaginosis remedies. In the long run, treating bacterial vaginosis with natural remedies is more tolerable, effective and long-lasting than taking antibiotic pills. Natural methods are less expensive, too.

Some natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis include:
  • Live yogurt – you can consume it every day, or apply it over the vulva and in the vagina
  • Pure apple cider vinegar – Soak in a warm bath added with a few drops of pure apple cider vinegar helps to relieve itchiness and inflammation of the vagina
To learn more on home remedies for bacterial vaginosis and natural bacterial vaginosis cures, visit Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy Today.


Information provided in this website about bacterial vaginosis and its remedies is for your own personal education only. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or ailment, and should not be considered or treated as medical advice, nor is it a replacement for professional medical advice. If you suspect you have bacterial vaginosis or any related disease, consult your doctor. never begin any treatment program without first consulting with a qualified health care professional. The author of this site, shall not be liable for any adverse effects, loss or damages occurring as a result of use of the suggestions or information herein.